Hundreds of leftists are heading back to Washington, DC, on Sunday, on the anniversary of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, to protest “his inadequate and intentionally incomplete confirmation process.”

Groups including Women’s March, Demand Justice, Center for Popular Democracy, and others are calling on “women, femmes, survivors, and allies” to mobilize on October 6 “to make sure Congress knows that we are still watching and demand they investigate Kavanaugh.”

(All photos and video, credit: Matthew Perdie / Breitbart News)







From the Reclaim the Courts Facebook event page:

A thorough vetting of [Kavanaugh] and his record is more important now than ever.

We must know whether Kavanaugh lied to the Senate, whether he sexually assaulted the women who credibly accused him of doing so, and whether he is ultimately fit to be a justice on the Supreme Court.

Brett Kavanaugh will roll back rights that women have worked for generations to secure. We won’t wait around for that to happen, we’re fighting back now.



UPDATE — 4:00 P.M. EST: Following their protest against Kavanaugh outside the Supreme Court, leftists are now demonstrating outside Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) residence. 

Last year, Breitbart News covered the weeks-long protests against Kavanaugh.

Flashback: Leftists Meltdown After the Nomination of Judge Kavanaugh

Breitbart News’ live coverage is expected to begin at 1:00 p.m. Eastern.