Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) on Tuesday refused to join Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) in calling for Twitter to shut down President Donald Trump’s Twitter account.

Harris — who has repeatedly called on Twitter to suspend the president’s account — urged Warren to join her plea during Tuesday’s Democrat debate. The California lawmaker urged Warren to “join me in saying that his Twitter account should be shut down,” to which Warren replied, “no.”

“Let’s figure out why it is that we have had laws on the books for antitrust for over a century and for decades now,” Warren said, dismissing Harris’s call.

“We really need to address the elephant in the room, and that is how campaigns finance,” she continued, reminding the audience of her pledge to refrain from taking money from big tech executives or Wall Street executives.

“We’ve already agreed — Bernie and I — we’re not taking any money from big pharma executives. You can’t go behind closed doors and take the money of these executives and then turn around and expect that these are the people who are actually finally going to enforce the laws,” Warren said.

“We need campaign finance rules and practices that support us all,” she added.

Harris continued to push Warren to join her in calling for Twitter to ban Trump’s account, but Warren did not budge.

“What I am saying is, that it seems to me that you would be able to join me in saying that the rule has to apply to Twitter the same way it does to Facebook,” Harris said.

Warren told Harris that she believes rules should apply across the board, to which Harris replied, “so you would join me in saying Twitter should shut down that account.”

“If we’re going to talk seriously about breaking up big tech, then we should ask if people are taking money from the big tech executives,” Warren said, ignoring Harris’s plea.