Several 2020 Democrat candidates are ripping CNN and the New York Times for failing to prioritize climate change during Tuesday night’s debate.

The candidates – many of whom have referred to climate change as an “existential threat” – slammed the hosts of the Democrat debate for failing to feature climate change as a central topic of discussion.

“Climate change is an existential crisis—and yet there were no questions about it in last night’s #DemDebate,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) lamented.

“We need to take bold action now to end the climate crisis before it’s too late. And I’ve got a plan for that”:

“Three hours and no questions tonight about climate, housing, or immigration,” Julián Castro wrote, calling climate change an “existential threat”:

“The ecological crisis has gotten worse and worse, decade after decade, and yet the corporate media still refuse to take it seriously,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who proposed a $16 trillion Green New Deal, wrote.

“We will not bring about the political change needed to tackle the climate emergency until we address this,” he added:

“An entire debate without a single question on climate change––the existential issue facing not just our country, but our entire planet,” Tom Steyer (D) remarked.

“I am prepared to use the emergency powers of the presidency to take on the climate crisis and protect the American people,” he added:

“Three hours. Not one question about the climate crisis,” Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) tweeted, also slamming CNN and the Times for failing to focus on LGBT rights and immigration:

While it is true that the debate did not focus on any of those subjects, CNN recently hosted a seven-hour town hall entirely devoted to climate change, as well as a marathon town hall on LGBT rights.

CNN has not, however, held a town hall event devoted entirely to immigration – a topic of interest to voters on both sides of the political aisle.

Former presidential candidate Gov. Jay Inslee (D), who based his short-lived presidential campaign entirely on the issue of climate change, described CNN and the Times’ lack of focus on the climate crisis as “completely inexcusable”: