Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is unveiling his first television ad blitz in New Hampshire – a $1 million ad buy targeting “dangerous demagogue” Donald Trump.

According to Sanders’ campaign, the ad buy launches Thursday and will run for two weeks throughout the early primary state. The ad attempts to portray the socialist senator as a champion for progressive causes and a foe of Wall Street, special interests, and President Trump, whom the narrator describes as a “dangerous demagogue.”

“Growing up in a family that struggled economically powerfully influenced my life and my values,” Sanders says in the ad.

“Bernie Sanders — fighting to raise wages for American workers, leading the fight to guarantee health care for all, standing up for civil rights, seniors, veterans, and our children’s future,” the narrator states:

Whether it was Wall Street, the drug companies, or other powerful special interests, Bernie has taken them on for us. Now, our country is at a turning point. A dangerous demagogue, tearing our nation apart, hard-working people betrayed by Trump, a healthcare system that makes enormous profits for drug and insurance companies, and a planet on the brink of a climate disaster. In this moment, we need a fighter. Bernie Sanders — we know he’ll fight for us as president because he always has:

The UNH Survey Center/CNN poll released last month showed Sanders on the rise in New Hampshire, leading the pack with 21 percent support, followed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) with 18 percent and Joe Biden (D) with 15 percent support:

Sanders is upping his television presence in the other early primary and caucus states as well, spending “$30 million on TV advertising alone in the first four presidential nominating states and California,” the New York Times reports.