Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) posted a short video on Friday that featured supporters telling her that she brings them to tears, about which Harris wrote, “It’s moments like”–followed by an emoji with hearts.

Harris, who has failed to gain any kind of significant momentum over the last few months, posted the video featuring two supporters who told the presidential hopeful that she brings them to tears.

“You are my hero — for all the women. You make me cry,” one woman said in the video.

“You had me crying, too,” a man added:

The post inspired a few others on social media to express that Harris’s presence in the race has reduced them to tears.

“She makes me cry too. Cry because finally, someone who has hope, who believes we can come together and to hold those who are hurting us accountable,” one user wrote.

“And she’s the one to take on Trump. Full Stop. I watched her question Kavanaugh & Barr and she is unstoppable,” she added, despite the fact that Attorney General William Barr and Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh were ultimately confirmed.

“If you can’t capture the heart you can’t capture the head. This is why she’s the best,” another remarked.

However, Harris’s video also drew critics, who brought up her mounting campaign woes.

“Your own staff says you aren’t prepared and treat staff poorly. Cute little videos don’t erase bad references. I won’t vote for someone who doesn’t value their subordinates,” one user wrote. “I hope Harris doesn’t win.”

Current and former aides of the Harris campaign have indicated that the operation is falling apart.

“This is my third presidential campaign and I have never seen an organization treat its staff so poorly,” former operations director Kelly Mehlenbacher, who now works for Michael Bloomberg’s campaign, wrote.

“With less than 90 days until Iowa we still do not have a real plan to win,” she continued, adding that the Harris campaign lacks “leaders who will lead.”

Despite Harris’s recent efforts, she is failing to garner more than five percent in the polls, seeing just 3.8 percent support, the current Real Clear Politics average shows.