People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) on Thursday expressed its disappointment in far-left socialist lawmaker Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) over her decision to own a French bulldog.

Ocasio-Cortez this week announced the newest addition to her family on social media.

“So we just did something big!” Ocasio-Cortez said on Instagram as she introduced her new dog.

“Hey boo boo, hi. Welcome to our family,” she said.

She confirmed on Twitter that she hopes to train him to become a “community pup.”

“Ideally we want to work to the point where he can enjoy town halls, be an Amtrak pup, come to the office, etc.,” she explained alongside a picture:

She added that she wants his name to be”Star Trek related or Bronx/Queens/NYC/social good related.”

PETA took issue with Ocasio-Cortez’s newest addition, writing a brief complaint on Twitter.

“With millions of dogs, including Frenchies, homeless in shelter cages waiting for homes, @AOC’s choice to publicize getting a purebred puppy is disappointing,” PETA wrote.

“As a person who fights for justice, we doubt she could’ve realized the implications,” it added. “Adoption is the ONLY option.”

The tweet also contained a brief letter, which read:

Dear Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,

You’re a role model for how to live with kindness, so this concerns us.

Did you really choose to get a purebred puppy when there are millions of animals in shelters who desperately need homes?

Please ask your followers to adopt and never buy dogs.

The New York lawmaker faced similar critiques from users on Twitter.

“Is it a rescue dog? If not, why?” one asked.

“Did you adopt him? If not please look into the number of unwanted dogs euthanized each day in this country and next time please consider adopting. But thank you for bringing a dog into your home,” another added.

“Unusual to be able to adopt a frenchie puppy from shelter or rescue,” another remarked. “Please don’t disappoint me.”

Ocasio-Cortez has not indicated if she purchased the pup or adopted him from a shelter.