Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) falsely claimed during the Democrat presidential debate Tuesday night that former George W. Bush vetoed the Yemen War Powers resolution. President Donald Trump vetoed that bill.

CNN host Wolf Blitzer opened Tuesday’s debate by asking why each presidential candidate would be best suited to be commander in chief.

Sen. Sanders, citing his antiwar record, claimed that he would be the best commander in chief amongst the field of Democrats.

The Vermont Democratic Socialist cited his work to push to end America’s “endless wars” by reducing America’s involvement in Saudia Arabia’s war in Yemen.

Sanders said that the resolution got a majority of votes through each chamber of Congress and that it was sent to the president’s desk to sign.

“Unfortunately Bush vetoed” that Yemen War Powers resolution, Bernie lamented.

However, despite Sen. Sanders’ claim, President Donald Trump had vetoed the Yemen resolution in April 2019. The current president’s veto against the Yemen resolution was the second veto of his administration.

President Trump claimed that the Yemen resolution would undermine the president’s ability to conduct foreign policy.

“This resolution is an unnecessary, dangerous attempt to weaken my constitutional authorities, endangering the lives of American citizens and brave service members, both today and in the future,” Trump said in 2019.

It is surprising that the Vermont progressive forgot that President Trump vetoed the Yemen resolution, considering that he attacked the president after he vetoed the bill.

Later that month, Sen. Sanders called on Congress to override the president’s veto of the War Powers resolution.

“The president’s action is a very serious challenge to Congressional authority that demands a response,” Sen. Sanders wrote in a letter to his Senate colleagues.

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.