Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) revealed during an interview the New York Times editorial board published this week that she possesses a “deeply worrisome thought” that as president, she would only achieve “part” of her agenda.

The Times’ editorial board interviewed Warren and asked, “What are you likely to fail at as president?” It was a question that, according to the Times, “caught her off guard.”

Warren told the board:

Nobody ever wants to answer this probably. To try this, you’ve got to have an optimism bias. And I do. I know that. It’s an optimism bias that keeps me working 14 hours a day. It’s an optimism bias that pulls you in more and more people to try to talk about it.

“But I take your question seriously. The place I might be most likely to fail is to get only part. Now, part’s better than none, right? But only part,” she continued, adding that it is a “deeply worrisome thought.”

“I know that as you sit here it looks like, wow, this woman wants to do a lot and it’s hard. And the truth is, it is,” she continued, reverting to her go-to talking point that she spent her “whole life studying working families” and “why they go broke.”

Warren has released multiple costly plans throughout her presidential bid, addressing a range of issues from health care to climate change to “free” college. While moderators of Tuesday’s debate asked Sen. Bernie Sanders to explain how he would keep his plans from bankrupting the country, they did not ask the same of Warren, triggering further accusations of bias.