President Donald Trump ridiculed Hillary Clinton’s recent attack on Sen. Bernie Sanders Wednesday after the failed presidential candidate said “nobody likes” the Democrat socialist from Vermont.

“When Hillary says nobody likes him, nobody likes her. That’s why she lost, I mean nobody liked her,” Trump said in an interview with Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo in Davos, Switzerland.

Clinton trashed Sanders in a Hulu documentary of her life and in an interview with the Hollywood Reporter.

“Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done,” Clinton said.

The president mocked Clinton for losing in 2016.

“She had every advantage. She had this big machine behind her, she had Obama … and it wasn’t even close,” he said. “She’s the one that people don’t like.”

Trump hinted he might prefer Sanders as an opponent over the former secretary of state.

“I think if I had my choice in terms of personality, I might take him over her,” he said. “But I probably would take neither.”

The president acknowledged Sanders is surging in the polls.

“Crazy Bernie, I don’t know, maybe he is really surging,” Trump marveled. “He really is. Elizabeth Warren seems to be going in the other way and Joe Biden doesn’t seem to be doing too well.”

Trump said the establishment Democrats were trying to take away the Democrat party nomination from Sanders.

“They are really trying to take it away from him again,” he said.