Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) reacted to news Wednesday after a judge ruled that Hunter Biden be held in contempt after violating court orders to provide financial information in his Arkansas paternity case.

“Deadbeat Dad Hunter Biden faces contempt of court in Arkansas in child-support lawsuit for refusing to disclose financial information,” Cotton wrote in a tweet. “I wonder why he’d risk contempt to conceal his income & taxes?”

Cotton also rhetorically questioned his followers on whether they had received the same news from any mainstream media outlets.

“Have you seen this story on @nytimes, @washingtonpost, @CNN, other MSM,” Cotton asked.

According to the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, a one-sentence “Order to Appear and Show Cause” for Biden was signed by Independence County Circuit Judge Holly Meyer on Monday.

The order was prepared by Clinton and Jennifer Lancaster, two attorneys for Lunden Alexis Roberts, the mother of Hunter Biden’s 16-month-old child.

According to one of the attorneys working the case, the situation involving Hunter Biden has nothing to do with the impeachment trial.

Clinton Lancaster said:

My understanding is impeachment proceedings are ongoing. I have not received any subpoena. I don’t believe we have any stake in the impeachment proceedings. We don’t have any stake in it whatsoever. We need his income so we can determine child support.

Lancaster also filed a “Second Motion for Contempt and for Order to Show Cause” into the Independence County Circuit Court record on Tuesday.

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