A poll from Gallup released Tuesday shows President Donald Trump is experiencing the highest job approval rating of his presidency.

Forty-nine percent of Americans now approve of the president’s job performance, a ten-point rise since October of last year just after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the impeachment investigation of the president.

The president is now winning 94 percent approval among Republicans, up six percentage points from the beginning of the year.
Trump’s previous polling high in the Gallup poll was 46 percent in May 2019, after the conclusion of Special Counsel Robert Muller’s investigation.

The good news for the president breaks hours before he delivers his State of the Union address on Tuesday night.

The poll also shows good news for the impeachment trial.

Fifty-two percent of Americans in the poll believe Trump should be acquitted by the United States Senate while only 46 percent believe he should be removed from office.

Other numbers show Trump is getting rave reviews for the economy.

The poll notes 63 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s handling of the economy and national satisfaction is at 41 percent, the highest since July 2005.