Democrat presidential candidate and billionaire Tom Steyer took aim at those alongside him on stage at the Democrat presidential debate in New Hampshire on Friday and said his party is “in trouble” ahead of the election.

Steyer said:

Look, what we saw Mitch McConnell do, not just in the Supreme Court with Merrick Garland, but across the board with federal judges, was refuse to allow President Obama’s picks to be considered. That’s why Mr. Trump has appointed so many federal judges, because in fact, Republicans have refused to allow President Obama to get his due.

Everybody on this row feels the same way about a woman’s right to choose. Everybody on this row feels exactly the same way on gun control.

Steyer went on:

There’s something else going on. These Republicans are in control. They’re stacking the court for a generation with young, rightwing radicals and we’ve watched it happen. The question is what are we going to do about it? That’s where we are in the United States.

Steyer also stated that the Democrat Party is “in trouble” ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

“Joe Biden is right,” Steyer claimed. “We have to go win a huge victory this year and we’re in trouble. Look at these people. Who can pull together the Democratic Party?”

Earlier in the debate, Steyer also confronted his rivals on economic issues, saying, “We’re going to have to take Mr. Trump down on the economy…” He added:

Everybody on this stage is better on economic justice and healthcare than anybody in the Republican Party and a million times better than Donald Trump. That is not the question in front of us today. The question in front of us today is how we’re going to beat Donald Trump.

Steyer said:

I trust these people a million times more, but we’re going to have to take Mr. Trump down on the economy because if you listen to him, he’s crowing about it every single day and he’s going to beat us unless we can take him down on the economy, stupid. And that’s the issue here.

It’s not about who has the best healthcare plan. All the healthcare plans are better. The question is who can go toe-to-toe with Mr. Trump? Who can take down Mr. Trump, because he’s the real threat to the country.

Steyer also took direct aim at Pete Buttigieg, saying he’s worried that he does not have “experience.”

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