Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg spoke at a town hall in Nevada on Thursday, telling an illegal immigrant currently under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) protections that he views the United States of America as “your country.”

During the League of United Latin American Citizens Presidential Town Hall, a student from the College of Southern Nevada said he is a DACA recipient and asked Buttigieg about the future of the program.

“I want you to know that I see you as an American, that you belong to this country as much as anybody,” Buttigieg replied, pausing for dramatic effect as the audience applauded and cheered.

Former President Barack Obama instituted DACA, offering temporary amnesty to illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children.

Buttigieg asserted that DACA recipients deserved not only an extension of the program, but full citizenship.

“You’re not only contributing to your community. You’re a taxpayer, too, and it is one of the reasons it is so important to secure the benefits of citizenship for you,” he said.

Buttigieg promised he will fight for amnesty for illegal immigrants and make sure DACA recipients are among the first in line for citizenship.

“Being a student is demanding enough without the distraction of the pressures you’re experiencing wondering whether your place in your country — again, I view this as your country — is secure,” he said.

The student responded to Buttigieg in Spanish, the translation of which was, “I feel very proud to be part of that program, DACA, and I hope that there will soon be good results.”

Buttigieg replied, also in Spanish. “We hope together, and we will work together for this success,” he said.