The Iowa Republican Party said in a press release Thursday that Iowa Senate Democrat candidate Thersa Greenfield broke her pledge to shun corporate PAC donations.

Greenfield, a Democrat hoping to unseat Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA), pledged last year not to take corporate political action committee (PAC) donations, believing that these contributions would lead to corruption and outsized corporate influence.

Now, Emily’s List, a special interest group that supports partial-birth abortion, is hosting a fundraiser for Greenfield in Chicago, Illinois, on Thursday night.

The Iowa GOP also noted that Greenfield’s fundraiser with Emily’s List follows the Times-Republican issuing a correction to a two-week-old article that reported that the Iowa Democrat “made an oath not to take money from special interest groups or corporate PACs.”

The correction did not state a reason why they removed the sentence referencing Greenfield’s oath not to take money from “special interest groups or corporate PACs,” even though Greenfield has pledged in the past not to take corporate PAC donations.

Here is a video in which Greenfield said in 2019 that she took a pledge not to accept corporate PAC donations during her Senate campaign:

Further, Greenfield and her campaign had promoted the article for weeks before the correction was issued.

“I am asking for your help to make sure we can vote Senator Ernst out in November – and flip the Senate,” Greenfield wrote in a tweet last week. Had a great time meeting so many folks in Marshalltown to lay out my plan to do just that.”

The Iowa Republican Party asked whether Greenfield was lying to voters about her oath not to take money from special interests.

The Iowa GOP asked rhetorically:

Was Greenfield blatantly lying to voters in Iowa with her misleading oath? Or was this another gaffe? Considering Greenfield and her campaign were actively promoting the article containing the falsehood (before a correction was even made), it must be the former.

“Iowa voters won’t fall for such hypocrisy and blatant lies. Greenfield has some explaining to do,” the Iowa GOP added.

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.