Supporters of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) are blaming her lackluster Super Tuesday performance, in part, on sexism, contending that she would be the frontrunner if she were a man.

Warren failed to take a single state on Super Tuesday, including her own. She placed third in Massachusetts, behind Joe Biden (D), who won the Bay State, and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who came in second place. That loss alone was enough to inspire “Bernie Bros” to air out their grievances against Warren on social media.

Many of them believe Sanders could have pocketed more victories had Warren dropped out of the race and encouraged the progressive movement to coalesce around Vermont’s socialist senator. Warren supporters tend to disagree and are chalking up her losses, and general critiques of the candidate, to sexism.

“If Warren were a man, this would have been over long ago,” feminist and author Geraldine DeRuiter said. “This is all so damn stupid”:

“If Elizabeth Warren were a man, this primary would be a mere formality,” singer-songwriter Bill Madden said. “She is far and away the best candidate”:

“Leave it to progressive men to tell on themselves and attack a woman for a man’s shortcomings,” one user wrote.

“Can somebody tell me why Elizabeth Warren is NOT the front runner for the Dems?!? Folks keep talking about what’s best for this nation and she ain’t in the convo. I’m just confused,” another wrote. “So don’t tell me you want what’s best, when you really want a White man!”

“Pouring one out for Elizabeth Warren this morning, wondering if she’d get there quicker if she were a man,” another said alongside a GIF from Taylor Swift’s latest music video “The Man.”

“I genuinely feel for Elizabeth Warren’s supporters. She has had one of the most competent and well put together campaigns that’s been balanced by passion and plans but, and I hate to say it, if she were a man she’d be in the top three in a walk,” another said.


Despite the mounting calls from Sanders supporters to drop out of the race, Warren is showing no signs of stopping, assuring a crowd in Detroit Tuesday that she is “in this fight.”