Terrisa Bukovinac, a pro-life atheist Democrat, attended the Protect Life Protect Women rally on Wednesday and spread a pro-life message outside the United States Supreme Court in Washington, D.C.

Bukovinac included in her speech the story of Dr. Kevin Work, who became a hot topic in Louisiana earlier this year after an anti-abortion group questioned his credentials, which were suspended in late February.

Bukovinac said:

We have seen it over and over again. The abortion industry cannot police itself. Every time they try, they put profits first and women last. As an atheist, I am proud to support this pro-science law, which upholds abortion to the same high standards as other medical procedures.

Bukovinac told the pro-life advocates:

As a Democrat, a proud Democrat, I am proud to support this bipartisan law that represents the opinions of 21 million pro-life Democrats voting in America today and the 72 percent of Democrats who want to see abortion more restricted than it is today.

“This bill is championed by one of my personal heroes, Democrat Katrina Jackson of Louisiana,” Bukovinac concluded. “This is signed into law by Democratic Governor John Bel Edwards. As a feminist, I am proud to support this obviously pro-woman bill.”

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