Former Vice President Joe Biden (D) slipped up during Sunday evening’s CNN Democrat debate and called the illegal immigrant population “undocumented alien[s],” language that is sharply disavowed by the open borders lobby.

While discussing his plan to protect illegal aliens with coronavirus in the United States, Biden used the term “undocumented alien” during the Democrat debate before catching himself and saying “undocumented person.”

“There are certain things you cannot deport an undocumented alien for, an undocumented person for,” Biden said. “And that would be one of them.”

The term “alien” to describe illegal aliens, non-citizens, and immigrants is so widely denounced by the open borders lobby, social justice organizations, and leftist politicians that New York City banned the use of the term “illegal alien” last year.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.