Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) tested negative for the novel coronavirus, he announced in a statement on Sunday evening.

“I was just informed by Dr. Moynihan, the head of the House Physicians Office, that my coronavirus test was NEGATIVE,” Graham announced on social media. “I’m very grateful and like everyone else will follow the best practices to stay negative.”

“I look forward to getting back to work with my Senate colleagues and President Trump to contain this virus and stabilize our economy,” he continued, thanking people for prayers and well wishes:

The Senate Judiciary Committee chairman decided to self-quarantine after visiting Mar-a-Lago, where Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s team, including his press secretary, Fabio Wajngarten, who tested positive for the virus, also spent time.

While Graham had “no recollection of direct contact” with either Bolsonario or Wajngarten, he, out of an “abundance of caution and upon the advice of his doctor,” opted to remain in quarantine until the results of his test were known:

Bolsonaro tested negative for the virus, as did President Trump.