New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said during a press conference Monday that New Yorkers should feel confident the worst of the coronavirus pandemic is over.

“We can control the spread. Feel good about that,” he said, adding, “because, by the way, we could have got to a point when we said we can’t control this damn thing.”

He said the numbers show that isolating New Yorkers and taking additional precautions are working.

“The worst is over,” he said, but added, “Yeah, if we continued to be smart going forward.”

“The worst,” he said, was people dying at an increasing rate and having the infection rates out of control.

He praised the medical community for coming together and tackling the virus, stemming the tide from overwhelming the hospitals.

“I believe the worst is over if we continue to be smart, and I believe that we can start on the path to normalcy,” he said.

He said the country’s economy will not suddenly be turned on like a light switch, comparing it to a slow valve.

If the infection rate continues to rise, Cuomo said, “then you know you opened the valve too fast.”

He said he would rely on data and health and economic experts to reopen portions of the economy.

“I’m not interested in political opinions. I’m interested in what the experts tell us,” he said.

Cuomo said all New Yorkers should expect to wait 12-18 months for things to totally return to normal when a vaccine becomes available.

“But there will be points between now and then where we should feel more confident, and we should feel better,” he said.