President Donald Trump praised truckers at the White House on Thursday, thanking them for keeping the American supply chains up and running during the coronavirus crisis.

“To every trucker listening over the radio or behind the wheel, I know I speak for the 330 million Americans as we say, ‘Thank God for truckers,” Trump said.

The president met with several truckers who arrived at the White House with their trucks on the South Lawn.

“In the war against the virus, American truckers are really the foot soldiers that are carrying us to victory,” he said.

One trucker noted that the “true heroes” were the medical workers on the front lines of the crisis, and he said they were honored to provide them with the medical equipment they needed.

“At a time of widespread shutdowns, truck drivers form the lifeblood of our economy,” Trump said.

The president presented each of the truckers at the White House with a golden colored key to show the country’s appreciation for their efforts.

“For days and sometimes weeks on end, truck drivers leave their homes and deliver supplies that American families need and count on during this national crisis and at all other times,” he said.

The president noted America’s appreciation of truckers, including offering them food and signs of support as they continued working.