Alabama Lt. Gov. Will Ainsworth held a press conference on Friday where he submitted recommendations to Gov. Kay Ivey for reopening businesses in the state amid the coronavirus pandemic, saying some should reopen immediately.

Ainsworth and the Alabama Small Business Commission’s Emergency Task Force released their report Friday, a day after President Donald Trump and the White House recommended that less affected states begin reopening efforts. The Alabama task force is a subcommittee featuring business leaders and members of the Alabama Legislature.

The recommendations given Friday include reopening close contact services, restaurants, child care facilities, and retail businesses immediately under certain guidelines.

In his remarks, Ainsworth stated:

It’s currently considered safe to go to a box store and buy potentially furniture. It’s currently considered safe to go to a box store and buy clothing. It’s currently considered safe to go to a box store and even buy jewelry. And our message is simple. The message about social distancing is spreading people out, and the committee says that it’s not fair for small businesses to be open and be penalized. And we actually believe smaller stores mean smaller risk.

The recommendations are split into phases, many of which will begin to take place in May. The committee recommends that Alabama’s medical and health services, gaming facilities, exercise facilities, museums and beaches reopen on May 1. Youth activities are also recommended to be allowed to resume on May 11.

All businesses considering reopening must obey strict guidelines including monitoring the health of employees and sending home employees who have symptoms of COVID-19, limiting the number of people allowed inside the business at one time, increasing cleaning measures and enforcing social distancing.

Employees who take part in close contact services will be required to wear face masks and gloves, but those situations should require an appointment.

The office of Gov. Ivey, who spoke with Breitbart News exclusively on Thursday about the measures being taken to reopen Alabama’s economy, released a statement Friday:

The governor is grateful to the president for his Administration’s strong leadership and continued guidance during this unprecedented time. She also appreciates the president supporting Alabama making decisions that are in the best interest of Alabamians, specifically as it relates to their personal and economic health. She will continue making these decisions, while carefully weighing both aspects of this situation. As the president mentioned, this will be data driven, rather than date driven. With his guidance, as well as that from her Coronavirus Executive Committee and our state’s congressional leaders, Governor Ivey looks forward to getting Alabama back to work and back to normal. She commends Alabamians for their cooperation and asks for their continued patience. Their willingness in the next two weeks is key to flattening the curve and getting our businesses rolling again.

“Our main focus right now is what works in Alabama and how our people are doing by staying at home and abiding by the order,” Ivey said during a phone interview on Thursday.

Ivey also reassured Alabamians that a plan is “on the way.”

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