Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said in a statement on Tuesday that Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) would be an “excellent” Director of National Intelligence (DNI).

The Senate Intelligence Committee held a hearing on Ratcliffe’s qualifications to become the next DNI Tuesday. If confirmed to the position, he would lead the country’s 17 intelligence agencies.

During the nomination hearing, Ratcliffe promised to serve as a nonpartisan aide to the president.

“Let me be very clear: Regardless of what anyone wants our intelligence to reflect, the intelligence I provide, if confirmed, will not be impacted or altered as a result of outside influence,” he said on Tuesday.

“Anyone’s views on what they want the intelligence to be will never impact the intelligence that I deliver — never,” he added. “I won’t shade intelligence for anyone.”

Rubio released a statement after the hearing, saying that Ratcliffe would serve as a great fit for the nation’s leading intelligence director.

He said in a statement:

Rep. Ratcliffe understands his top responsibility is to make sure the wide array of intelligence agencies are sharing information across lines, coordinating capabilities, and are all working in the furtherance of the same strategic aim of the 21st century. I think he would be an excellent Director of National of Intelligence, and I look forward to supporting his nomination.

Ratcliffe received praise from other members of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

“He answered everything, and I think he did a very successful job at one, verifying that he’s more than capable of this job, and two will serve in an independent capacity,” Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC), told reporters after the hearing.

“[U.S. intelligence officials] deserve, and the country needs, the certainty of a permanent, Senate-confirmed director of national intelligence,” Burr added.

Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO), a member of Senate GOP leadership, said that the DNI position has “gone vacant for too long.”

Breitbart News reported on Tuesday that Ratcliffe had earned high praise from former White House officials such as Andy Surabian and Tony Sayegh.

Donald Trump Jr., President Trump’s eldest son, told Breitbart News:
Congressman Ratcliffe has the experience to do this job at the highest level, and most importantly his judgment has proven to be impeccable. His many years of public service show that he is a patriot who will always put his country first and stand tall for the American people. This is a no-brainer confirmation for the Senate.
Andy Surabian, a Republican strategist and former Trump White House official said:
Congressman Ratcliffe has proven through his many years of public service that he has the right judgment, temperament, and experience to make an excellent head of ODNI. He should be confirmed by the Senate as swiftly as possible.”
Tony Sayegh, a senior Trump administration official who served in both the Treasury Department and the White House, told Breitbart News, “Our nation deserves a man of John Ratcliffe’s integrity, experience, and professionalism to lead our intelligence community during these precarious times.

“President Trump picked the exact right man for the exact right moment,” Sayegh added.

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.