Former Donald Trump administration official Jim Bognet will air a new ad on Monday detailing his Hazleton, Pennsylvania, roots as well as his commitment to President Donald Trump’s America First agenda.

Bognet, who hopes to unseat Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-PA), released his newest campaign for Pennsylvania’s Eighth Congressional District Republican primary, titled “Teammates.” The 30-second ad opens with Bognet recounting the defining moment of his as a career as a field goal kicker at Hazleton Area High.

“My grandfather arrived in Hazleton as a poor Italian immigrant, and our family has lived the American Dream here. Restoring Northeast Pennsylvania’s greatness is deeply personal to me,” said Bognet in a statement on Monday.

He continued:

For that to happen, President Trump needs teammates in Congress. Right now, our district is represented by Matt Cartwright, who is Nancy Pelosi’s lap dog and represents her values, not ours. Look no further than Cartwright’s taxpayer-funded multibillion dollar bailout of illegal immigrants that he voted for late Friday night when he hoped we weren’t watching.

Bognet cited that Cartwright voted for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) Heroes Act, which would grant illegal immigrants access to coronavirus stimulus payments.

Bognet said in the ad:

China cheated us on trade and sent us the Wuhan flu.

Illegal immigrants took our jobs, spread crime, and sent taxpayers the bill.

President Trump fights for us.

But he needs teammates.

I’m running for Congress to fight for the Trump agenda, build the wall, and put America First.

I’m Jim Bognet, and I approve this message.

Bognet has raised more than $275,000 during the first quarter of 2020, giving him an impressive war chest ahead of the June 2 Republican congressional primary.

Cartwright represents one of the 13 congressional districts that went for President Donald Trump by more than six points during the 2016 presidential election, but House Democrats flipped during the 2018 midterm elections.

Bognet recently told Breitbart News Saturday host Matthew Boyle that Cartwright has exemplified no leadership on the coronavirus pandemic.

“We need leadership,” Bognet said. “Where’s Nancy Pelosi on the streets of Hazleton, Pennsylvania? Where’s Matt Cartwright on the streets of Wilkes-Barre and Scranton, Pennsylvania? They have been cowards.”

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.