Job Creators Network (JCN), one of the country’s largest pro-jobs grassroots organizations, ran an ad in the Wall Street Journal with the headline, “Dr. Fauci, We’d Like a Second Opinion.” The ad is meant to implore Dr. Fauci to listen to medical professionals sounding the alarm on the broader negative health impact of continuing to shut down the U.S. economy.

“We know that you have America’s interests at heart but fear your limited view is causing too much unneeded pain,” Alfredo Ortiz, JCN President and CEO, tells Dr. Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Courtesy Job Creators Network

“The unemployment rate is currently 14.7 percent, the highest level since the Great Depression. According to one survey, about one-third of small businesses won’t be able to reopen. The economy is certainly a concern, but so is the health of all Americans not threatened by the virus,” the letter continued. “The shutdown has broad health, economic, and societal impacts that have been largely overlooked in the official reopening debate…This is not a question of life v. the economy. The real choice is Life v. Life. Shutting down society was intended to flatten the curve and prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed. It has achieved these goals at immense economic and social cost.”

“By using strategic testing, tracing, and smart business innovations, we can isolate the few to protect the many instead of isolating the many to protect the few,” the Job Creators Network letter concluded.
Job Creators Network is asking “healthcare professionals with a second opinion on opening up the economy,” to leave a comment on their website.

Ortiz appeared recently on Fox News and urged federal and state lawmakers to support measures that protect small businesses to reopen America in a smart way.

Jerome Hudson is Breitbart News Entertainment Editor and author of the bestselling book 50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know. Order your copy today. Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter and Instagram @jeromeehudson