Jack Rico of La Mirada, California, took home four associate’s degrees from Fullerton College in California at the age of 13 last week — and he is far from finished.

The youngest student ever to complete his studies at Fullerton College, Jack will celebrate his graduation with a drive-by celebration on Wednesday, arranged by his proud parents. Jack entered the community college at age 11, and earned all four of his degrees in just two years. When he is not hitting the books, he enjoys playing video games.

Rico joins the ranks of other extremely gifted children, earning academic honors before he is out of adolescence.

While he will eventually move on to the University of Nevada with a full scholarship, most likely to pursue a bachelor’s degree in history, the brilliant teen says he is in no hurry to rush his future. “I’m 13, so I don’t want to rush everything,” he said. “I’m still trying to figure it out, but I just want to focus on learning right now. That’s what I love to do.”