Thousands of protesters took to the streets of New York City on Saturday in the wake of George Floyd’s death, where they marched under a sign that made it clear that facial coverings should be used during the coronavirus pandemic.

The protest, which was captured on video by Breitbart News in Lower Manhattan, lasted several hours and featured hundreds who had no facial coverings and largely ignored social distancing guidelines that have been put in place by state and local governments.

Protesters marched down the street under a sign that read, “Outside with No Mask? Fuhgeddaboutit” and chanted “No justice, no peace” as they moved forward.

The sign mimicked a New York accent pronumciation of “forget about it” and was part of a Public Service Announcement that stated that facial masks should be worn while traveling outside of your home.

The same protest that occurred on Saturday featured protesters who replaced the chant “No justice, no peace” with “F**k Donald Trump, F**k Donald Trump.”

Others in attendance chose to use the opportunity to promote voter registration, urging those who were New York citizens and not registered to vote to do so.

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