Former White House press secretary Sarah Sanders criticized former National Security Adviser John Bolton on Monday, releasing a portion of her upcoming book to Axios.

“Bolton was a classic case of a senior White House official drunk on power, who had forgotten that nobody elected him to anything,” Sanders wrote.

Sanders is releasing her own memoirs after leaving the White House but appears to have little appreciation for advisers who spent their time working against the president.

“Often Bolton acted like he was the president, pushing an agenda contrary to President Trump’s,” Sanders wrote.

She recalled a moment when former White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney berated Bolton for his behavior during a trip to England.

“Let’s face it, John,” Mulvaney said, according to Sanders. “You’re a f—— self-righteous, self-centered son of a b——!'”

Sanders’ book, Speaking for Myselfwill be released in September.