Agitators promoting Black Lives Matter blocked a major intersection in Lansing, Michigan, on Friday evening and pointed guns at a motorcyclist who tried to pass through.

A group of about 30 protesters blocked Michigan Avenue, a thoroughfare between Lansing and East Lansing. They stopped at the intersection of Michigan and Foster St. and sat down in the road.

In an incident first published on, protesters who are open carrying long guns not only confront, but point their guns at a motorcyclist who appeared to approach slowly, seeking to pass through the intersection.


The man attempted to pass while one agitator pointed a gun at him from only feet away. At one point, he could be heard removing the safety.

The protest organizer, identified by Gruber as Paul Birdsong, spoke to him through a bull horn.

“Can’t ride anywhere in this direction,” Birdsong told him.

Police could be seen less than half a block away and did nothing to ensure the citizen’s safety.

About an hour later, the group was marching the full width of the two-way road west towards the capitol.
A motorist driving east became a target for the agitators.

The incident begins at about 1:20:00:

Birdsong accused the driver of driving his car into his legs.

“Put your car in reverse and get it off my legs!” he demanded.

The same gunman pointed his long gun at the motorist, who appeared to hold his hands up out the window in surrender.

“We can stay here all night. Back up off my legs!” Birdsong ordered as the man didn’t appear to be seeking confrontation but rather just use the public roadway.

The man said he had an emergency.

“If he has an emergency, why aren’t we letting him through?” a woman asked Birdsong.

“If he wouldn’t have got off, we would have had to deal with it,” Birdsong announced to the crowd, punching his fist into his palm.

“You got an emergency that’s okay, but it’s not a right to push me with your car,” he said.

Birdsong is a local activist who has been holding daily protests around the city.

“Lansing as a town doesn’t mean anything to me,” Birdsong recently told the Lansing State Journal.

“It’s the people. And it ain’t just the people of Lansing. It’s any people. If I’m around people and I happen to be the warrior of the crowd, those people mean something to me.”

Breitbart News contacted the Lansing Police Department for comment on the agitators’ actions, but a Public Information Officer did not respond.

Kyle Olson is a reporter for Breitbart News. He is also host of “The Kyle Olson Show,” syndicated on Michigan radio stations on Saturdays. Listen to segments on YouTube. Follow him on Twitter and like him on Facebook.