The elite speaking agency that lists Barack and Michelle Obama and the Clintons amongst its offerings can now boast the addition of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The LA Times reports the two have joined New York-based Harry Walker Agency so they can talk about a subject they know only too well – themselves.

The Los Angeles-based pair intend to use the platform of public speaking – at a price – to take their message of racial justice, gender, love and caring to the world while also talking about their feelings since they left the Royal fold at Buckingham Palace.

PR expert Mark Borkowski told The Sun the pair will “clean up” in their new endeavour. “I’m surprised they haven’t done this sooner. It will be one of the great income generators for them. The speaker’s circuit is a natural safe space for them to plunder,” he added.

The Harry Walker Agency boasts a series of high profile clients, many of whom move in the same elite circles as the two, including Prince Harry’s environmentalist friend Jane Goodall and Oprah Winfrey.

They also share Harry’s oft-stated concern for the state of the planet.

Others include Meghan’s best friend Serena Williams and the actor Tyler Perry – whose $18million Beverly Hills mansion they currently enjoy, according to the Daily Mail.

Taking to the speaking circuit will be a lucrative pursuit for Harry and Meghan.

The LA Times reports President Obama  earned $400,000 for one 2017 speech, while the Clintons averaged $250,000 per appearance in 2014. No speaking fees have been revealed for Harry and Meghan, who will speak both together or individually.

Public speaking is not new to the couple. They have both flown around the world in the past two years warning of challenges to the planet.

Just last September, Harry flew to Amsterdam to caution holidaymakers and tourism chiefs about the damage being done to the environment by frequent flyers.

That speech, promoting the eco-tourism project with, Sky Scanner, TripAdvisor and Visa, book-ended a number of trips he took his family on over the summer which at one time saw them taking their four private jet flight in 11 days.

Prince Harry previously said he and his wife will have no more than two children because of the concerns they have for the planet.

“We are the one species on this planet that seems to think that this place belongs to us, and only us,” he revealed in an interview with ethologist Dr Jane Goodall for British Vogue.

Last August he flew by private jet to Sicily to warn an elite audience of business leaders and celebrities gathered at Google’s annual deluxe retreat that immediate action is needed to avoid an approaching climate catastrophe.

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