House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) quipped Monday that “we may all be moving to Canada soon” when addressing the subject of social media and election meddling, Just the News first reported.

Schiff made the remark during George Washington University’s forum on “Social Media Disinformation and Election Interference” as the moderator called on Canadian Member of Parliament Dominic LeBlanc to speak.

During another part of the forum, Schiff stated that he gets the “sense that there’s something going on at Twitter, that maybe we’ve reached the last straw for what the management of Twitter can take, in terms of what they’re seeing how their platform is being used.”

On the topic of Facebook, the lawmaker said the technology giant will “need to be pulled and dragged into this era of corporate responsibility.”

“The economic incentives are simply too powerful for the continuation of the status quo,” he judged.

“I, until proven otherwise, have the sense with respect to Google-YouTube that their strategy is to avoid the scrutiny of the other platforms and disclose as little as possible,” he added. “It’s not unlike the — although I’m sure they won’t appreciate this analogy — the president’s view that if you don’t test it, there is no virus. If they don’t discuss it, if they don’t reveal it, there is no problem, and so nothing I guess from the hearing shook those impressions, but time will tell.”

Schiff’s comment regarding Canada is reminiscent of pledges made by a host of liberal Hollywood celebrities, who promised and copped out of moving north if then-candidate Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election. Girls creator Lena Dunham was among those stars, having once said there was a “100 percent” chance that she would move to Canada if Trump won the White House. In October 2018, actress Barbra Streisand claimed she was considering moving to Canada if the House Republicans kept their majority in the midterm election.