A poll from Gravis Marketing and One America News Network (OAN) found President Donald Trump and incumbent Sen. Martha McSally (R-AZ) both leading their Democrat challengers ahead of the November election.

The poll, which included responses from 527 likely voters in Arizona, took place on June 27, 2020, and showed President Trump with a four-point lead over former Vice President Joe Biden in the race for president. Of those surveyed, 49 percent stated they prefer Trump, while 45 percent said they prefer Joe Biden. Seven percent of respondents said they were undecided as to who they would vote for in the presidential election.

As for the Senate race, respondents were asked who they would vote for if the election “were held today.” Forty-six percent of those surveyed said they would vote for McSally, while 42 percent claimed they would vote for her Democrat challenger Mark Kelly. Twelve percent of respondents stated they remain undecided on who to vote for in the Senate election.

Asked whether they “strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove, or strongly disapprove of President Trump’s job performance,” 40 percent of respondents said they strongly approve of the president’s performance. Thirty-seven percent of respondents stated they “strongly disapprove” of the president’s performance, while 12 percent “somewhat approve” and eight percent “somewhat disapprove.” Twelve percent of respondents said they are “uncertain” on the president’s performance.

Asked who they believed they could “trust to better handle the economy,” respondents gave Trump a 10 point lead, 52 percent to 42 percent. Respondents also favored Trump when asked who they “trust to prevent violent riots in American cities.”

As for Arizona’s governor, Doug Ducey (R), 18 percent of those who took part in the poll said they “strongly approve” of his job performance. Thirty-one percent said they “somewhat approve,” while 22 percent of respondents, in each respective category, said they “somewhat disapprove” or “strongly disapprove.”

Earlier this year, in May, a HighGround Public Affairs survey found Biden with a lead over Trump at 47 percent support among respondents, while President Trump garnered at 45.3 percent of support from those surveyed.

The Gravis Marketing poll, which was conducted via phone, has a margin of error of 4.3 percent and was paid for by One America News Network

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