The Arizona Police Association (APA) on Thursday endorsed President Donald Trump for re-election.

“The choice in this election could not be clearer than it is for men and women in law enforcement,” the release from the APA read. “The Trump administration has done more for law enforcement than any other in the history of our republic.”

APA represents more than 12,000 members in law enforcement in the state of Arizona including local, county state, and federal law enforcement professionals.

The organization noted Trump reinstated the use of surplus military equipment, prosecuting criminals attacking law enforcement, and vocally defending the police from calls to defund their departments.

Biden, they wrote, would be controlled by the “far-left wing” of the Democrat party attacking law enforcement.

“A Biden administration will defend the police and eliminate qualified immunity which protects police and law enforcement from frivolous and costly lawsuits,” they wrote.

The Trump administration trumpeted the endorsement as a sign that the president would continue to defend law enforcement.

“While Joe Biden shamelessly defames law enforcement and would ‘Yes! Absolutely!’ defund the police, President Trump always has and always will stand with the men and women of the Thin Blue Line,” Trump 2020 Senior Advisor for Law Enforcement and Labor Unions Bob Paduchik wrote in a statement.

The president on Friday meets with the National Association of Police Organizations Leadership at the White House to emphasize his support for law enforcement.

The organization endorsed Trump on July 15, abandoning their previous support of former Vice President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama in 2008.

“Our endorsement recognizes your steadfast and very public support for our men and woman on the front lines, especially during this time of unfair and inaccurate opprobrium being directed at our members by so many,” the letter from NAPO President Michael McHale read.