President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, confirmed on Tuesday that he met with legendary hip-hop artist and fashion mogul Kanye West in Colorado.

“Kayne’s been a friend of mine, I’ve known him for about ten years, and we talk every now and then about different things,” Kushner said.

West announced on July 4 that he would run for president in 2020, despite his record of support for President Trump. He is currently working to get on state ballots as a candidate while some Democrats worry that he could take black voters from former Vice President Joe Biden.

Kushner spoke to reporters at the White House press briefing who questioned the nature of his meeting with West. He said they had a “general discussion” that was “more about policy,” but he appeared positive about West’s campaign.

“He has some great ideas for what he’d like to see happen in the country, and that’s why he has the candidacy that he’s been doing,” Kushner said.

Last week, West unveiled his political platform, which included restoring faith in the classroom, withdrawing from “foreign quagmires,” criminal justice and police reform, taking care of the environment, free trade, and support for the arts.

Kushner stated that West’s political platform was similar to Trump’s on some issues.

“There’s a lot of issues that the president has championed that he admires, and it was just great to have a friendly discussion,” he said.

Kushner said that both he and Ivanka were in Telluride, Colorado, at the same time as West.

West also confirmed the meeting on Twitter after the New York Times contacted him.

“I’m willing to do a live interview with the New York Time [sic] about my meeting with Jared where we discussed Dr Claude Anderson’s book Powernomics,” he wrote:

In an interview with Forbes magazine, West distanced himself from his previous support of Trump.

“I am taking the red hat off, with this interview,” he said, referring to his previous decision to publicly wear the Trump campaign’s Make America Great Again hat.

West also urged President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden to drop out of the 2020 race, saying he was in the race to win.

“For the other candidates, I just gracefully suggest y’all bow out—Trump and Biden, gracefully bow out,” he said.