President Donald Trump on Tuesday campaigned at an airport in Yuma, Arizona, in an event focused on immigration and border security.

The president spoke inside an open hanger in Yuma with Air Force One in the background.

“You know it’s 122 degrees in this place?” Trump asked the crowd, referring to the temperature in the building of people gathered for the rally. “You think Joe Biden could do this?”

The forecast for Yuma on Tuesday called for temperatures as high as 114 degrees with temperatures at the airport reaching 111 degrees at the time of Trump’s speech.

“It is hot in here, it’s 120 … think of yourself in a great spa, great sauna where it’s 120 degrees and you have to pay a lot of money to be there,” Trump joked with the crowd during his speech.

The president rallied with supporters for about an hour in the heat with a crowd of cheering supporters and accepted the endorsement of the National Border Patrol Council union.

The president berated his opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, for his policy proposals to dramatically loosen America’s immigration policies.

“This is what they want to do and give every illegal alien on the planet earth a free ticket to invent an asylum claim and gain automatic admission into our country,” Trump said.

He said that Biden would abolish immigration enforcement, suspend deportations, as well as provide free government health care and education to illegal immigrants.

“I guess his new boss is Bernie Sanders,” Trump said.

The president warned that Biden’s proposals were far more radical than when he and former President Barack Obama were in office.

“Many of the ideas that, just a few years ago, that were considered radical are now mainstream,” he said. “That’s Bernie Sanders, okay? Because Joe, he doesn’t know where he is, but if he did – he’s been brought so far left.”

The president touted his own tough work on immigration and border security, building hundreds of miles of wall on the Southern border, stopping caravans of migrants claiming asylum, and deporting gangsters and criminals like MS-13.

“I stood up to the lobbyists, everybody fought us, the Democrats, everyone, the special interests,” he boasted.

Border Patrol Union Vice President Art De Cueto delivered a passionate speech in Spanish and English before Trump’s rally, urging all Americans to re-elect Trump.

“I’m sick and tired about Latinos not hearing the truth,” he said. “Do we want a president whose priorities are with our country? The answer should always be yes.”

He gave a shoutout to supporters of the president, including Latinos for Trump.

“Again, I will repeat that it is not about race,” he said. “Stop using the race card and start using the Trump card.”

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd said when the union first endorsed Trump, he did so on “potential” and the promises that he made to border enforcement officials.

“We’re not talking about potential anymore, we’re talking about accomplishment … he has done more than any other president to secure our borders,” he said.