Former Vice President Joe Biden promised National Guard members Saturday he would never push them into a domestic political dispute as a “prop” and assured them they will “never, never have to wonder what side I’m on.”

Civil and military relations have been “tested lately,” Biden told the audience witnessing the virtual National Guard Association of the United States’ 142nd General Conference.

Speaking before a backdrop of American flags, with a flag pin discretely pinned to his suit lapel, Biden then attacked the president’s record as commander in chief.

“I promise you as president, I’ll never put you in the middle of politics or personal vendettas. I’ll never use the military as a prop or as a private militia to violate the rights of fellow citizens. That’s not law and order. You don’t deserve that.”

The 2020 Democratic nominee for president talked about his late son, Beau, who was a major in the Delaware National Guard, and touched on the primacy of presidential support – from equipment to proper funding through political direction.

He accused U.S. President Donald Trump of denying the Guard necessary resources when he began delivering on his longstanding goal of building a border wall with Mexico. Biden dismissed the wall as “not really keeping us safe.”

Biden then hit Trump for not challenging Russian President Vladimir Putin over intelligence allegations Russia was offering bounties for killing American soldiers in Afghanistan. The White House maintains there’s “no consensus” the intelligence is accurate.

Biden made clear he was always on their side.

“Our troops and our families will never, never have to wonder what side I’m on,” the man who seeks to be president said.

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