Tennessee U.S. Senate candidate Bill Hagerty (R) joined SiriusXM host Matthew Boyle on Tuesday’s edition of Breitbart News Tonight, where he discussed President Trump’s role in filling the Supreme Court’s vacant seat.

“I think the most critical aspect for a Supreme Court Justice is that they be a constitutionalist justice, not one that will make up the law, not one that will legislate the bench, not one that will try to backdoor liberal policies through judicial rulings rather than legislation,” said Hagerty, who served as President Trump’s ambassador to Japan. “That is the first and foremost criteria.”

“There is a lot that needs to be examined and will be examined on the list of candidates that President Trump has put forth in terms of their legal scholarship, their intelligence, their grit, their character,” Hagerty continued.

Hagerty also commended President Trump’s 2016 efforts when he revealed his list of Supreme Court choices to the American people so that they could also vet his choices, saying he supports his efforts to “put a constitutionalist on the bench.”

Hagerty went on to discuss his thoughts on how the Democrat Party will handle President Trump’s announcement of his nominee.

“Enrage seems to be driving the Democrat Party,” Hagerty stated. “They seem to think that motivates their base. I think what’s happening, certainly here in Tennessee, is their base is eroding.”

Hagerty also claimed the current leaders within the Democrat Party are “turning traditional Democrats off,” a move that Hagerty believes will “benefit Trump in the 2020 election.”

To listen to Hagerty’s full interview with Breitbart News, click here.

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