Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) joined SiriusXM host Matthew Boyle on Tuesday’s edition of Breitbart News Tonight, where he discussed the future Supreme Court vacancy.

“It’s good to see the president on fire,” Collins said, noting Trump’s work ahead of the election. “He has every right to be on fire. He’s winning this thing, he has a vision, and while Joe Biden is looking for the bathroom in the basement, he’s out there doing this kind of stuff right here. I’m very proud of him.”

Collins also highlighted the left’s efforts in preventing President Trump from filling a Supreme Court vacancy following the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

“The issue here is this is a liberal justice who just passed from the court,” Collins said. “This liberal justice upheld the killing of thirty million unborn children, it killed the Second Amendment rights, it took away religious liberties. The president has the chance to do exactly what he said he would do, and that is nominate conservatives, strict constitutionalists to the court who do not legislate but actually interpret the law and allow the Legislative and Executive Branch to handle the writing and implementation of the laws.”

In addition to his comments on the vacant seat, Collins said this is a “fight we must take to the American people.”

“It’s not about the Senate, it’s about the position of the president,” Collins continued. “The president is up for reelection. The president is running right now. He’s making his case right now to the people of why he should be re-elected president.”

Collins went on to claim that it would be “malpractice” for the Senate not to consider Trump’s nominee, saying Trump “deserves to have this pick” and “deserves to have them confirmed.”

Collins also discussed his efforts in preventing Democrats from “packing the courts.”

“What the Democrats are doing is when they feel like every time that they have lost their case so they can’t explain their case to American voters, they want to change the rules,” Collins said. “I have been at the forefront of fighting the liberal advances of Nadler and Schiff and Pelosi through a sham impeachment. All they want to do is change the rules when they couldn’t get their way, or they wanted to break the rules when they couldn’t get their way.”

“The amendment that we’re going to put forward is this is something that needs to be carefully thought out,” Collins said. “If you want to raise the number of the court, then fine, then you pass the law, have it signed into law, but it has to wait ten years. That takes away the political fervor of doing something based on emotion.”

Collins then spoke about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who he believes is “forfeiting her right to be Speaker of the House.”

“Nancy Pelosi, in my mind, is forfeiting her right to be Speaker of the House,” Collins stated. “In the things that she has said … to actually say that you’re going to use impeachment as a political tool … look at the things she has done over the past years. In my mind, that disqualifies her from being Speaker of the House.”

“To say that you’re going to use the most harmful tool that the Congress has, which is impeachment against the Executive Branch, no matter who is president, no matter which era you’re dealing with, to say that you can do that for any day of the week for any reason they want, shows how little regard she has for the process we have and frankly for the president of the United States.”

“If she wants to do that, I think the American people will be very aware of what’s going on and I believe, again, that they will see through her political sham. Nancy Pelosi is a fake. She is one who simply wants to control from a government perspective the liberal agenda and she doesn’t like this president. It’s very clear.”

To hear to Collins’ full interview with Breitbart News, listen above or click here.

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