Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden did not name a single law enforcement group that supports him against President Trump at the first presidential debate on Tuesday night.

During the debate, Trump asked Biden to name one law enforcement group that supports his candidacy, but the former vice president was not able to name any.

The exchange went as follows:

Trump: He doesn’t have any law enforcement support. He doesn’t have any law enforcement support.

Biden: That’s not true. That’s not… look…

Trump: Oh really, who do you have? Name one group that supports you. Name one group that came out in support of you.

Biden: Look, look we don’t have time to do anything except…

Trump: No, no, think about it. Name one law enforcement group that came out in support of you. There aren’t, I don’t think there are any.

In contrast, Trump has been endorsed by law enforcement groups all over the nation that represent more than 900,000 police officers. Biden, on the other hand, was endorsed by Portland, Oregon’s, District Attorney that has refused to prosecute rioters.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder