A Restoration PAC/Trafalgar Group survey released Wednesday showed a tight race in battleground Michigan, with former Vice President Joe Biden (D) and President Trump statistically tied in the crucial battleground state.

The survey, taken September 26-28, among likely 2020 general election voters, showed Biden holding a narrow lead over the president at 48.7 percent to 47.1 percent. Biden’s lead is within the survey’s +/- 2.95 percent margin of error.

While 1.6 percent indicated that they remain undecided, another 1.5 percent chose Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen. Less than one percent chose “somebody else,” and less than half of a percent chose the Green Party’s Howie Hawkins:

“Michigan was a tipping-point state in 2016 and remains tight in 2020,” Restoration PAC Founder and President Doug Truax said in a statement. “We believe President Trump has the stronger message down the stretch that will tip the balance his way.”

A press statement announcing the poll’s release noted that Trafalgar “most famously was alone in predicting Trump would win Pennsylvania and Michigan in 2016.”

“Tom Bevan, Co-Founder and President of Real Clear Politics, called Trafalgar ‘one of the most accurate polling operations in America,'” it added.

Failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton suffered a narrow defeat in the Great Lakes State in 2016, as Trump won by less than half a percentage point.

Wednesday’s RealClearPolitics polling average showed Biden up by 5.2 percent.

This month, a Michigan judge ruled that absentee ballots postmarked by November 2 must be counted up to two weeks after the election. The ruling also allows ballot harvesting, although it is confined to a specific timeframe.

Such a delay in counting ballots feeds the growing fear that officials will not be able to call the election on Election Night. As Breitbart News extensively reported, conditioning the American people into believing that the presidential election will not be called on election day serves as part of the Democrats’ “7-Step strategy to win the election” by using “vote-by-mail chaos.”

A Politico/Morning Consult survey released this week revealed that two-thirds of Americans do not believe that the country will know who won the presidential election on election night.