Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said Monday that he’s “doing well” and working from his home after contracting the Chinese coronavirus.

“Thank you for all your kind wishes and prayers!” Tillis wrote on Twitter “I am doing well and while I am working from home now, I look forward to getting back to Washington very soon to confirm our next Supreme Court Justice — Amy Coney Barrett.”

Tillis tested positive for the virus Friday evening after attending the White House’s Supreme Court nomination ceremony for Amy Coney Barrett.

“Over the last few months, I’ve been routinely tested for COVID-19, including testing negative last Saturday, but tonight my rapid antigen test came back positive,” Tillis said in a statement at the time. “I will be following the recommendations of my doctor and will be self-isolating at home for 10 days and notifying those I’ve been in close contact with. Thankfully, I have no symptoms and I feel well. As we all know, COVID-19 is a very contagious and deadly virus, especially because many carriers are asymptomatic.”

Tillis’ announcement came shortly after Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), who also attended the Rose Garden event, tested positive for the virus.

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said Monday he’s “optimistic” that President Trump could be discharged from Walter Reed hospital and return to the White House later today.

“We’re still optimistic that based on his unbelievable progress and how strong he’s been in terms of his fight against this COVID-19 disease that he will be released, but that decision won’t be made until later today,” he told Fox News.