CLAIM: During the Vice Presidential debate between Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Harris claimed that “Joe Biden will not end fracking.”

VERDICT: MOSTLY FALSE. Biden, along with his running mate, has repeatedly promised to ban fracking on the campaign trail.

“Joe Biden will not end fracking,” Harris claimed. “He has been clear on that.”

Harris’s claim is disputed by several instances where Biden has said that fracking would cease under his administration. In the final debate of the primary, when Biden faced off against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Biden stated: “No new fracking.”

There are numerous other instances where Biden stated fracking would be “eliminated.”

Despite her claim of Biden not wanting to end fracking, Harris has previously signaled that she wants to ban fracking.

During a CNN presidential town hall, Harris has even admitted that she is “in favor of banning fracking.”

“There’s no question I am in favor of banning fracking,” Harris said to a climate activist.

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