The Republican National Committee (RNC) is spending $25 million on ads in five key states in the final two weeks of the presidential election, the bulk of which will target seniors and focus on how the Trump administration has protected Medicare while warning that a Biden-Harris administration will compromise quality care and “lead to more government control.”

“Joe Biden’s health care plan would be an inevitable step toward single-payer health care, leading to higher taxes, less quality of care, and a complete upheaval of our health care system,” RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a statement.

“As part of the RNC’s multi-pronged effort to target and turn out voters, we will be telling the truth about Biden’s socialized health care plan while aggressively highlighting how President Trump has improved Medicare and lowered premiums,” she continued.

“These ads will drive that message home in the final days,” McDaniel added.

The ads will air in Arizona, Iowa, Michigan, North Carolina, and Wisconsin.

One of the ads, posted by the chairwoman, is addressed directly to seniors, warning that the election will “determine your Medicare benefits.”

“Under President Trump, Medicare premiums in Michigan have gone down 53 percent,” the ad states. “But with the Biden-Harris health care plan, Medicare will change. Private insurance, eliminated. Hospitals, closed. You could even lose your doctor.”

“Protect your Medicare coverage. Vote for President Trump,” it adds, urging seniors to visit the website

According to a release announcing the blitz, the ads will warn that Biden’s health care plan will cost $2.25 trillion, result in higher taxes, and “lead to single payer health care, which could jeopardize access to quality care, especially for seniors, and could lead to the elimination of some private insurance options”:

The ads will contrast that message with how the Trump Administration has strengthened Medicare:
• The Trump Administration has fought to deliver greater security, affordability, fairness, economic stability to our nation’s seniors. Under eight years of the Biden-Obama Administration, premiums for Medicare health plans went up.
• President Trump has lowered Medicare Advantage premiums by 34 percent nationwide – the lowest level in 14 years.

President Trump hopes to improve his standing with seniors — a demographic he won over in 2016 — in the final days leading up to the election. An Investor’s Business Daily/TIPP Poll released this week showed Trump closing the gap on Biden’s edge with seniors, narrowing his lead to just two percentage points.