North Carolina Senate Democratic candidate Cal Cunningham claimed in a recent ad Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) continues to attack him over his extramarital affairs to distract from Tillis’s record.

“Thom Tillis is desperately attacking my personal life because he doesn’t want to talk about his own record,” Cunningham said in the ad.

Cunningham then claimed, without evidence, Tillis wants to take away healthcare from thousands of families and remove protections for preexisting conditions.

Cunningham continued:

Thousands of families without health care, unaffordable prescriptions, and a relentless effort to take away coverage for preexisting conditions. Why? Because Thom Tillis is working for corporate interests, and lobbyists, and not you. I’m Cal Cunningham, I approve this message because it may be my name on the ballot but it’s your health care.

Cunningham’s polling has fallen since reports confirmed he had an affair with the wife of another veteran, Arlene Guzman Todd, a public relations strategist. Reports from the National File suggest Cunningham may have had a second affair.

The affairs scandals have upended the North Carolina Senate race, which serves as a pivotal battle for control of the majority in the Senate. A poll released this week found Tillis and Cunningham are tied.

Tillis campaign spokesman Andrew Romeo said in a statement on Saturday, “After weeks of the press, pundits, and pollsters all claiming Cunningham’s scandal is not having an impact on the race, despite an avalanche of polling this week saying otherwise, Cal Cunningham has now been forced to run a desperate response ad to try to stop the bleeding. It won’t work.”

He added, “North Carolinians know a fraud when they see one and no amount of last-minute, panicked TV ads can change the fact that Cunningham’s lies, hypocrisy, and breach of the Military Code Of Justice will lead to his demise on November 3rd.”

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3