Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) prevailed in the race for his U.S. Senate seat, despite a much-hyped challenge from Democratic National Committee associate chairman Jaime Harrison.

Graham easily won reelection to his fourth term, with more than 54 percent of the vote versus 44.4 percent for Harrison, with 39 percent of the vote reported, according to the New York Times‘ tallies.

Nevertheless, it was a tough fight. Polls had shown them neck and neck, and the contest between Graham and Harrison was South Carolina’s most expensive Senate race.

Harrison, who previously chaired the state’s Democratic Party and worked as a lobbyist, was a fundraising powerhouse.

President Donald Trump was also easily reelected in the state of South Carolina.

Graham maintained his support for Trump throughout his race, and was likely bolstered by his successful ushering through 0f the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Graham forged ahead with Barrett’s confirmation despite strong opposition from Democ. He was attacked for  going forward with Barrett’s confirmation ahead of an election and for holding hearings during the coronavirus pandemic.

Asked if the confirmation was an asset in the final stretch of his race, he responded, ““How do you say yes? Yes,” according to The Hill. “I feel good about it,” he added.

Graham has also in recent weeks released documents related to the Senate Judiciary Committee’s investigation into the FBI’s probe of the Trump campaign in 2016, known as Crossfire Hurricane.

Earlier Tuesday, Graham announced he was holding a hearing with former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

Graham also plans to call in the heads of Big Tech firms after the suppression of a string of unflattering stories on former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.


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