House Representatives Linda T. Sánchez (D-CA) and Joaquin Castro (D-TX) are working to ensure that President Donald Trump is never memorialized in any official manner.

“I am working on a bill that would mean that nothing — not even a bench, no airport, no highway, no school, nothing — ever bear the name of this traitor,” California congresswoman Linda Sánchez told People magazine on Monday. After describing her experience during the January 6 Capitol riots, she explained that she wanted to hold people accountable, “[starting] with the President because he invited people to the Capitol, and he incited them.”

Sánchez has also thrown her support behind a second impeachment: “Given that those around Trump have never stood up to him, I have a hard time believing that they will meet this moment with the, with the appropriate response,” she said. “So we have also, I have also, signed on to articles of impeachment to try to remove him.”

Beyond labeling Trump a “traitor,” Sánchez also implied he was guilty of sedition: “I don’t think that he deserves any of the benefits that are conferred on prior presidents,” she said. “I don’t believe that a seditious occupant of the White House should have ever have anything named after him.”

Texas Democrat congressman Joaquin Castro offered similar sentiments on January 8, in a two-part tweet. “In addition to supporting the impeachment and removal of Donald Trump,” Castro wrote, “I am also preparing legislation that would prohibit any federal building or property from being named after President Donald J. Trump.”

“President Trump incited an insurrection that damaged some our nation’s most significant and sacred federal property. Most importantly – let us learn from our past,” he continued. “Donald Trump should never become a future generation’s confederate symbol.”