Reps. Jim Banks (R-IN) and Jason Smith (R-MO) wrote a letter to House Appropriations chair Rosa DeLauro Tuesday, requesting she advance legislation to remove wasteful spending from the latest coronavirus package.

Banks, the House Republican Study Committee (RSC) chairman, and Smith (pictured), the ranking member of the House Budget Committee, urged DeLauro to consider President Donald Trump’s rescission package that would remove wasteful spending.

Banks and Smith wrote to DeLauro:

Given the fiscal challenges we face and its potential impact on working-class Americans, it is critical that congressional leaders take every opportunity to practice fiscal responsibility and prioritize all taxpayer dollars toward effective programs that directly benefit the American people. We truly hope you will consider this rescissions package as it identifies wasteful and unnecessary spending, spending which is particularly egregious during the pandemic and hard-economic times we face.

The rescission package would remove $17 billion in wasteful foreign aid programs, including:

The rescission package would also remove:

The congressmen concluded in their letter to DeLauro, “We strongly urge you to report out of Committee legislation that will successfully remove this wasteful spending from the federal budget. We highly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to safeguard taxpayer dollars.”

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.