Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) has declined to run for U.S. Senate in Ohio to replace Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), who announced he will not seek re-election next year.

In a statement to, a spokesperson for Jordan said that the lawmaker “is solely focused on representing the great people of Ohio’s Fourth District, and will not be running to fill the seat of retiring Senator Rob Portman.”

“Mr. Jordan believes at this time he is better suited to represent Ohioans in the House of Representatives, where as the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, he can advance an America first agenda, promote conservative values, and hold big government accountable,” the spokesperson added.

On Monday, Portman cited “partisan gridlock” in Congress for his wanting to retire from politics after two terms in the upper chamber.

“I don’t think any Senate office has been more successful in getting things done, but honestly, it has gotten harder and harder to break through the partisan gridlock and make progress on substantive policy, and that has contributed to my decision,” Portman said in a statement. “I feel fortunate to have been entrusted by the people of Ohio to represent them in the U.S. Senate. Today, I am announcing that I have made a decision not to run again in 2022.

“I still have two more years in my term and I intend to use that time to get a lot done,” he added.

Portman told the Cincinnati Inquirer that he blames former President Donald Trump for contributing to the partisan gridlock, and added that he hasn’t yet decided how he will vote at the Senate’s impeachment trial — which will officially begin Monday, although the substance of the trial won’t start until Feb. 8.

Portman was first elected to the Senate in 2010 and re-elected in 2016. He said that during his time in office, Trump signed 82 of his bills into law and former President Barack Obama signed 68.

The UPI contributed to this report.