Catholic League president Bill Donohue has denounced efforts to silence white Christians by demonizing them as “Christian nationalists.”

“The most recent manifestation of the Christian left’s hostility to conservative Christians is their invention of Christian nationalism,” Dr. Donohue wrote Wednesday. “It always helps to have a bogeyman. Christian nationalism was not discovered — it was created out of used cloth.”

Donohue cites Georgetown University’s Paul D. Miller, who is finishing a book on Christian nationalism. According to Miller, three signs of Christian nationalism are (1) singing patriotic songs, (2) displaying the American flag, or (3) saying say the Pledge of Allegiance.

In short, any patriotic American is a “Christian nationalist.”

Further evidence of Christian nationalism, Miller says, are being pro-life or defending religious liberty. In other words, anyone who is conservative and does not buy into the left’s radical agenda is also a “Christian nationalist.”

The left has always been better at name-calling than engaging in rational argument, Donohue notes, which is why they spend more time inventing labels than debating positions. Their new weapon of choice is race.

“Formerly known as the ‘Religious Right’ or ‘Christocrats,’ today’s bad guys are different in that they evince a strong racist edge,” Donohue observes. “White people are the problem. To be more specific, it is white conservative Christians, many of whom are Trump supporters, who are an existential threat to our democracy.”

As absurd as this theory is, many on the left have bought into it, Donohue notes. The atheist Americans United for Separation of Church and State, for example, blamed “Christian nationalists” for the Capitol riot of January 6.

For her part, Christianity Today columnist Tish Harrison Warren asserted that the violence can be “laid at the feet of the white American church.”

In the end, the litmus test for finding “white Christian nationalists” is very simple, Donohue wryly notes.

According to Paul Miller, a Christian nationalist can be spotted by how much time they spend watching Fox News and listening to talk radio.