In light of the 2020 Presidential Election and 2021 U.S. Senate Run-Off in Georgia, Republicans throughout the country are divided. While there is much to discuss and decide, conservatives cannot wait until 2022 to address the biggest challenge facing our party. Radical Stacey Abrams is aiming for absolute power, and we must stop her now before it’s too late.

After Stacey Abrams lost the Georgia Governor’s race in 2018, she used her false voter suppression narrative to build a loyal following and raise millions of dollars from Hollywood elites and socialist billionaires like George Soros Abrams launched a network of political organizations including Fair Fight to undermine election laws, prop up radical politicians, and fund advocacy campaigns for liberal priorities like socialized healthcare. She gave speeches, wrote books, and became the left’s “kingmaker” and de-facto leader.

Recently, Stacey Abrams was credited with flipping the Peach State for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. She even used her shady voter registration group, which is currently under investigation, to secure victory for her handpicked candidate Raphael Warnock and hand the Senate Majority to Chuck Schumer.

With the wind at her back and armed with unmatched dark money, Stacey Abrams is now on a mission for total control. She’s unapologetic about her thirst for power and the dangerous, anti-American policies that are her top priority.

Over the weekend, Abrams penned an op-ed in the Washington Post outlining her legislative demands for Washington. In it, she called for eliminating the filibuster, which would silence the voice of the minority and millions of Americans. She pushed for statehood for Washington D.C. and “binding self-determination for Puerto Rico,” potentially giving Democrats an additional two (or, if Puerto Rico is granted statehood, four) Senate seats in perpetuity. And Abrams demanded that these overhauls be “fast-tracked,” warning that “time is short.”

What’s truly appalling about Abrams’ missive is that she used the tragedy of January 6 to justify her radical, far-left agenda. Clearly, there are no depths that the Democrats — led by Stacey Abrams — won’t go to pull the wool over the eyes of Americans while attempting to destroy the foundations of our great nation.

This is the fate that awaits hardworking families if we continue to dwell in the past. We must stand up, unite, and fight back together to Stop Stacey and Save America.

The left – and their friends in the media – would like you to think that their darling, Stacey Abrams, is unstoppable. We know they are wrong. While Stacey has $100 million in the bank to buy influence, lie about her radical record, and compromise election integrity, there are millions of freedom-loving Americans who will do whatever it takes to stop the left’s socialist nightmare from becoming a scary reality.

After a week, the groundswell of support for the Stop Stacey movement has already brought together Georgians and Americans from all walks of life who are committed to cause. But make no mistake, this journey to stop Stacey Abrams will be tough and taxing. We have to expose Abrams’ radical agenda, hold her shady network accountable, and come together in order to advance the America First Agenda that made our country great.

Stacey Abrams told us what she intends to do. Now it’s up to every freedom-loving American to stand with us and stop her.

Jeremy Brand is the senior strategist for Stop Stacey, a national grassroots organization of conservatives who are committed to protecting our future from Stacey Abrams, her left-wing backers, and their radical, un-American agenda. Stop Stacey is committed to exposing Abrams’ shady voter groups that undermine election integrity, unite and mobilize grassroots Republicans across the country, and protect the Constitution and conservative values by stopping her in 2022.