The majority of Americans appear to disagree with the left’s vehement pursuit of overhauling school sports, rejecting the prospect of allowing transgender students to participate on sports teams of the gender they identify with rather than their biological gender, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Tuesday found.

“Do you favor or oppose allowing transgender students to participate on the sports teams of the gender they identify with?” the survey asked 1,000 American respondents.

A majority, or 54 percent, opposed the idea, followed by 32 percent who favored it and 14 percent who indicated they remained unsure.

Those sentiments, however, are sharply divided on party lines. Fifty-two percent of Democrats favor allowing transgender students to participate on teams based on their gender identity, compared to 17 percent of Republicans and 24 percent of those unaffiliated with either major party. In contrast, 77 percent of Republicans oppose — a sentiment embraced by 33 percent of Democrats and a majority, or 57 percent, of independent voters.

The survey also asked, “Is the addition of transgender athletes to girls’ and women’s sports likely to change those sports for the better or the worse?”

Fifty-three percent said it will change sports for the “worse,” followed by 20 percent who said it will have no impact. Fourteen percent said they were not sure, and 13 percent said it will be for the better. Even a plurality of Democrats, 32 percent, said it will change sports for the worse.

The survey, taken February 24-25, has a margin of error of +/- 3 percent.

The results follow the House passing the Equality Act last week, 224-206.

“The left will lay down the rights and security of millions of Americans, particularly young women, at the altar of gender ideology,” Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) said in a fiery floor speech last week, warning that the left will not cease until there is “complete and total compliance” with their definition of gender.

“I can think of no better description of the so-called Equality Act, or inequality act, than this. The utter foolishness. It’s astounding. Up is down. Wrong is right. Left is right, and boys are girls, and vice versa,” she added.